Al-i Imran Surah 64 verses of the People of the Book "is a common word was invited is concerned.
This word, never-i tevhîd'dir.tevhîd with human perfection the last point, the style and they put forward to explain the prophets. Tawhid is the result of the universe. Cemal is the last point where the manifested is a sacred truth and perfection.
Bediüzzaman, most scholars of the highest order and humanity to monotheism indicates that authority. (see. Letters, 238; Rays, 7-9)
Islam religion rights; Judaism and Christianity is a religion that is Distorted. Circus mixed with corrupt and religions, Islam, the religious right can not be in common. In this case, should be recognized as income must be true: "the Qur'an, the Torah and not a word Distorted Bible combined with their points, so you come to the line that Tawheed completely away from the circus."
The Prophet (PBUH) with this da'vet the People of the Book says: "Come on monotheism, Christianity, Judaism and leave. That the course of true Tawheed and accept Islam the religion of all the prophets. Do you have no way of salvation and further out. "
The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) Al-i Imran sura of 64 verses-i by the last divine order in the Quran, the Greeks who transferred the greatest rulers and Persian them through letter sent to rulers, to accept his prophethood, the Quran and obey the religion brought It da'vet have, to send verses were chanted as mentioned in this letter.
"To worship others than Allah, to associate and to obtain the One rable each other instead of Allah ..."
To accept the Islamic religion or to book has not left alone with the competent choice. Rather them directly Risalet-i Muhammediyye (PBUH) certified to have been invited to become subject to the acceptance of the Qur'an and Islam.
Prophet. Paygamb's (saas), People of the book which is treated as the name of religion and the religion of Islam has been invited to this style. All reliable Sirah and history books record that this matter took place this order minvalinde.
In a letter to the Greek Melia Hırakl him have da'vet Islam to the letter; "One nothing Akhbar also stop to and God associate and to obtain ruhbân are rable" ordering the Al-i Imran Surah of the 64 verses of this verse by recording the end of the letter was based on Islam da'vet method.
The Prophet (saas) authentic source in the shape of the letter reads: "Bismillah-Rahmânirrahîm. Allah's Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) from the largest of the Greek Hırakl! Peace be upon those subject to the right path. After this; I'm da'vet you to Islam. Muslim, survived. Muslim. If you become Muslim, Allah will reward you twice. If you do not enter my pass and my da'veti Islam, know that; However no one who sins of his own sin under your command will be installed for you. (and verse 64 to the end ...) (Sahih Muslim)
Yet the Prophet. The Prophet (PBUH) of Islam told the Najran delegation studied the Qur'an, Islam gave them da'vet. Najran delegation; "We were Muslims before you," they did not accept Islam.
The Prophet (saas) 's response to them, today's debate is quite significant in terms of shedding light: "You say you lie. Because these are the three things you banned from Islam:
a) Saliba (the sign of the cross), your worship,
b) counting lawful to eat pork,
c) God 's son (child) to have the charges brought.
On top of Najran delegation they were willing to pay capitation did not accept Islam.
Considering the discussion in Da'vet issues, except that all thoughts and ways vanities is void. A method is prophetic. Even the Prophet. The Prophet (p. Hunting) to slander.
To shrink while to slander Allah and His Messenger.
So that the air being created, and False so asserts claims unfounded, as if the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) People of the book: "Just accept the existence of God, 'Muhammedün Messenger from your demesne, you enough in this act. You may have your own religion freely. Because your religion is this Heavenly. You can also ahl al-Ahl your Cennet's Necati and "not well. Has a hundred thousand times wrongly!
The Quran clearly declares that religion can not be ta'vîz. The Qur'an communicator will shrink from such a slander. Moreover, the Qur'an has warning from falling into such a situation.
In dar-i-wide and there are many verses in the books of Qur'anic and commentators satisfactory explanations.
It also identified issues associated with the century mujaddid Bediüzzaman and descriptions are the blind and fig leaves no doubt that our deliberations in a clearing.
Al Imran, verse 20 of the Holy Quran by Hatice mevzûy to let inşâellah.
"O Messenger mukerrem! If only the People of the Book, which Jews and Christians, Judaism against you enter into debate with you about religion and Christianity is the true religion of their case claiming that they try to prove their fallacious argument; you say to them: 'I inkıyâd me to Allah Almighty with the subject, and I obey all my limbs, I surrendered. '(We are Muslims accept Islam. However, you do not like that.) "