Satan (Iblis); Satan, in the lexicon "arrogant and rebellious jinn and the human" means. Demon devil is a special name. Both words also through various verses in the Holy Koran. Satan plural of "shayateen" that Satan is the word.
According to Islam smokeless fire devil, red, then multiply by the offspring of males and females it has been created from yellow and green flames. A name is dear. Prophet. Adam was created before. God gave him the name that creates Cân'n Maric, then put him in creating his wife Marica name. Demon derives from them.
Imam Mawardi great commentators on this subject, Chiefs also said the following: "The Devil is a luminous person. Nâr-i from Semua (fire when they were hit spoils things) it was created. Demons, the devil is the father. Creation yeast is mixed with lust. The word demon "away from charity" is derived from the iblâs' Manas.
God Prophet. Creatively Adam from the soil to the angels, jinn, and thus ordered them to prostrate Satan One, Satan:
"-I Was created from the fire. Soil created Adam (man) would not prostrate! "Complacent he is opposed to Allah's command. Therefore divine mercy and thus removed from the demon's name was called. To worship God before the rebellion that way too and that this scheme should be very nice gin after the rebellion was ugly and each side has a terrible case.
The demon of pride and arrogance and receive the hope of heaven from God's mercy for the slain He allowed Adam and vowed to work for his son the right way to go haywire. Thus it is haunting the children of Adam, entering people's body, to flow through the veins and asked them to drag the rebellion by reducing the delusion and doubt. Almighty Allah has given some powers to the devil to test His servants and allows up to him Resurrection. First heaven Hz. Adam's wife Eve was deceived; Two yedirterek fruit that God forbid it has also caused the removal of heaven. But the Prophet. Adam and the Prophet. Eve repentance, forgiveness was God and God was eventually yalvarararak to accept their repentance.
Satan is not an angel. Because the angels of light, devils (demons) were created from the fire. Satan is the avowed enemy of the people by the Holy Koran and the hadith statement. Evil is ordered, penetrate into people's spirit propels them crooked paths. There are many help and friendly. Some people are satanized him as a subject.
Demons are invisible to humans. But they saw them. Everyone, even the prophets and even become infested. They are the foundation for some of the secrets that people know. But they never know the Unseen. Unseen not know exactly because no one else from God. They are in the company of those who curse of Satan's demons. Because Muslims are a part of the gin. Listening to the Holy Koran there are demons who believe in our Prophet. Prophet was sent as a Messenger to all mankind and jinn.
Satan will use all the power of people to go crazy. However, the righteous God who delivered a full harm people. There is his friendship. He strayed even disbelief that people fall over onlann not fall escape, leave alone and "You ascribing partners to Allah. I am away from you! "He says.
He has sent a prophet to every nation to protect mankind from the evil of corruption. But the devil has many prophets to deny human sin can show people the beautiful, has been the devil's friend.
The demons in the Holy Koran: tyrants, it goes through the racier and Hannas names. He will draw the penalty of rebellion and evil remain in hell forever.
Tafsir-i Jun's is that the food in the work of the devil eat the Besmelesiz renewed their envoys of the fortune-teller, who is mentioned as beverage drink drunkenness of things.
Believers refuge in Allah from the evil of evil "and evil euzu billahi mine'ş--racier" outcast, and I seek refuge with Allah from Satan ground he pray.