The Prophet (s.a.v);
- He walked behind their walking companions.
- He would salute him before when faced with someone.
- Prophet Muhammad PBUH was always thoughtful.
- His silence was long on talk time.
- Prophet PBUH never talked to unnecessarily.
- The beginning of the promise of finishing in the name of God was master.
- He spoke with terse words while speaking.
- The Prophet's words were always true and proper.
- Use the Prophet PBUH was speaking neither more nor lacking promise.
- No one can break the hearts of, did not see anyone with contempt.
- He respects even the smallest blessing.
- Praise for what is going to welcome a blessing, because it was the place nor dislikes.
- To the world, the world would work for girls; but a right to be broken at any time, could not prevent his revenge unless nothing anger.
- Girl for his own person and would never take revenge.
- Not when the finger will point to one thing, it would mark the whole hand.
- Surprised and taaccüp as often reverses the position of the hand, palm facing the sky that is her true right place, the right place would turn him toward the sky.
- Do the talking hand gesture, the thumb of his right hand in the palm of his left hand stood hits the inside.
- When girls give up resentment and anger would not immediately apparent.
- Cheer up, which, he closed his eyes when the indulgence.
- The smile was more laughter. Smiling in pearls looked like teeth in its mouth.
- Hz. Reported that Aisha; Prophet Muhammad PBUH was the most virtuous people. No ugly word and it did not bother to say no ugly act.
- The market and the market does not scream, he would meet evil with evil. But he forgives and donations.
- The kind of people the most good-natured and was the most Gülec.
- What a maid outside of Jihad in Allah's way, nor a concubine nor has lifted a hand to anyone.
Source: Miftâhu't-Tawhid and ^ t-taqwa