Our dear brother;
Islamic word in the dictionary; surrender, submit, obey 'means. Because it is a religion that is based on obedience to God Almighty's orders were delivered in this religion called Islam.
Term Meaning
Reported to the people by God through the prophets, the people will lead to happiness in this world and the hereafter life form is a doctrinal precis and worked regulations. Islam, intelligent people is a divine law which itself leads to something better with their own preferences.
Nature of Islam
The meaning of Islam is to be delivered; Surrender to Allah's commands and prohibitions. Islam would not be handed over to God without the provision. (see Fig. Al-Anaam, 162 and Nisa, 65) Human beings are created by God worshipers.
God, need to worship everything that surrounds and Wise with the knowledge that is to be delivered to him. The laws of human life requires the surrender to God. Because these laws, the people who know best, it is God.
The whole universe and everything in it is to obey the law creatively. That's why Islam is the religion of the whole universe. Sun, moon, stars, all are Muslim. Earth, air, water, light, trees, stones and animals are also Muslims. Islam, for it means to surrender to obey God, we see that all of these assets to rebel obey God. So delivered to occur, a witness to Muslims occurred.
"They're looking for anything but the religion of Allah? But the heavens and whatever is in place inevitably has to be turned to Him and He will be taken. "(Al-Imran, 3/83)
This surrender of those in heaven and on earth in the verse cited as examples of people called and said, "O people, you also must be delivered to work like this!" The Prophet. Ali (ra) 's, as well as "Islam is delivered, it is surrender." Does not surrender to Allah, Muslims are not counted. If the delivery is what people say about him is a servant. Islam is a manifestation of faith is the manifestation. Surrender without faith, so will you infidel Islam? Although it is not even desirable. Hypocrites are people surrendered to believe. Today, he does not believe the way it should, could not digest into the provisions of God, another ideology (religion) adopted by the state themselves "Muslims" who identified themselves as they enter the classroom. Islam (surrender) with peace consent to be valid, must be submitted to a full and unconditional submission to Allah's Shari'a.
If people surrender to God by his own free will and choice, choose Islam if Muslims live, is delivered to the universe that no longer submit to it, provides the universe have barışıp fit. So this man, Caliph of Allah Almighty in the world, would be representative.
The religion of Islam, it is not possible to comprehensively describe briefly. Its only be completely comprehensive description of the Quran and the Sunnah. Because the contents of Islam and the Koran and the border was drawn to the circumcision. Islam can be learned from the Qur'an and Sunnah. Almighty Allah has made this excellent and comprehensive religious in all directions. Indeed, there is no express provision in Islamic issues. Is it a matter of permissible is forbidden me, Is detestable or circumcision, is wajib or obligatory m; any action taken or provision of the faith is expressed. Faith, worship, political, social, economy, war, peace, concerning any issue of law or other people get; There must be a provision or mujtahid with religious about it, the provisions of the Qur'an and Sunnah shall determine starting from. God, the Holy Koran feature explains:
"I this book (the Qur'an) to declare everything, we have sent to explain." (An-Nahl, 16/89 and again bk.yusuf, 111)
Koran and legal provisions on issues not specifically described in circumcision mujtahid scholars of the Islamic nation, based on the book and bring circumcision.
The Prophet (pbuh) in Islam have defined in different ways. One such definition is as follows:
"Islam is built on five principles (established). Of that and that Muhammad is no other God but Allah (peace be upon him) to bear witness that He is His slave and Messenger of, to prayer, alms giving, Beyti (Kaaba) is haccet and keep the Ramadan fasting. "(Bukhari, Faith 1; Muslim, Iman 22, NESA, Faith 13; Tirmidhi Faith 3)
The above hadith illustrates that the fundamentals of Islam is built on five premises. Attention should not, these five principles are the foundations of Islam, but Islam is not complete. A house can not be told how it is composed of only the basics, it is equally wrong to argue that Islam is composed of the five basic. You will see the opening of the Quran Quran reading, apart from the morality of these five issues, the economy, social issues, politics, peace, war, than no, no evil ... was promised. Islam occurred from the base and the building. Basically, these five bow Download. The buildings are other principles of Islam with regard to human life. Muslim's duty to recognize fully the Islam and all the substitutes is to keep standing.
This famous hadith under the sheriff's light can divide the fundamentals of Islam: Shahada words with summarized faith and deeds understood the mention of the four deeds Given the importance-i salih..isla I, martyrdom word and believe I inançtır.isla emerged with bow; prayer, charity, fasting and pilgrimage are associated with worship. These are the pillars of Islam, called fundamentals. The rest of the Islam is founded on building these foundations. This building of the constituent elements of Islamic life systems are detached: political order, economic order, moral order, military order, social order, teaching order, etc. There are also sanctions to ensure the domination of Islam. (Sanctions: Law and moral force that ensures the fulfillment of the order, it means the rules regarding sanctions.) The sanctions; Jihad, to forbid commanding forbidding all the well known; innate penalties are Rabbani punishment by God in the world and the Hereafter. So Islam; faith, worship, and sanctions are living systems.
Islam inside and outside of the human heart and mold the mind and conscience, desire and hatred is delivered with feeling and sensitivity is obedience to God. Heart and mind, hand and skirt, to save for inside and outside of the influence of all kinds, except the provision of God. Islam, general regulations, the laws and revelation on all fronts of life are ordered, the prophet was notified of a program of human behavior. Reward to wake up to this program; There does not comply with penalties. Islam, as Allah Almighty man's hat Download (provisions), candy, worship, morality, their transaction is a set of stories in the Qur'an and Sunnah.
Islam is the opposite, is pre-Islamic. (Cahiliyyeb is belief and disbelief of all kinds, except the common name of Islam as a way of life.'re Cursing.) There must cahiliyye across every part of Islam. Islam is against all details of the pre-Islamic. Because every part of Islam, is the work of God's knowledge encompasses everything. Every thought and action against him, is not necessarily pre-Islamic. Because it is a work of limited human knowledge. Moreover whims and desires of the people can prevail itself; pretty ugly, ugly is beautiful visible.
"Or do they want the administration to pre-Islamic? For a better understanding of society, who are better than Allah in terms of the provisions put? "(Maida, 5/50)
Some people, some of the pre-Islamic movement goes way, way of life or the sight of the beautiful and maturity arise in some systems, they are in doubt. The reason for this is something that the Islam is sometimes confused with cahiliyye. That thing from Islam, there also appears beautiful. Ignorant people are connected to this system to know the truth of Islam. If people knew about this, he sees in favor of partial cahiliyye order to understand that they belong to Islam, sources and would never turn.
There is a belief in Islam and pre-Islamic. In Islamic and pre-Islamic to worship there. Morality, politics, education, war, peace, and social issues are of Islamic and pre-Islamic. People in all matters related to all laws and rules are the Islamic and pre-Islamic. In pre-Islamic belief and practice is the most dangerous of cahiliyye. For him, God Almighty, located in rugged move with some pre-Islamic creed but to forgive, anyone who pre-Islamic beliefs and rituals of faith and worship, even with all the moral sense moral values of Islam absolutely unforgiving.
"God does not forgive the ascribing equals itself. But apart from that forgives whom He wills. "(An-Nisa, 4/48)
Almighty God sent Islam as a whole. Who gets all, here he is Muslim. Who does not get a fraction of the Order and its part, it will have cahiliyye confuse Islam.
"Or do you deny some believe a portion of the Book? The punishment of those who from you is nothing to be disgraced and disgrace in the world. The Day of Judgment will be thrown into the most severe punishment. Is not unmindful of what ye do. "(Al-Baqarah, 2/85)
Every Muslim, to be free from all the pre-Islamic customs and rules and must take the whole of Islam.
Gaye of Islam
The provisions are brought Islam seeks the happiness of the people. Acting in accordance with these provisions, and the world will gain as well as the hereafter. Islam, a person's heart, chastening rational thoughts and deeds, raising them to deliver this happiness. The individual's happiness depends on the happiness is in society, people's happiness is the happiness of the community at the same time. Islam has set certain provisions to accomplish this goal. These are called canonical provisions.
Provisions of Islam
The provisions of Islam has four parts.
a) Faith (theological terms) are provisions to accept a man's religion and the particulars to refuse. To accept what the people should reject these provisions teaches you what. People to believe in the creed received the spiritual food, the real value will be gained by removing the false belief of the heart.
b) Amel Amel is people's work. Are the acts done or to be done. Which actions are, how to explain the conditions under which provisions, and how to be authentic, it is called pragmatical provisions. Pray, give alms, to jihad, to collect such knowledge.
c) Conduct Hal and movements, behaviors, called the provisions describing the Islamic and human relations. Which are the provisions for improving the morals and manners of conscience. Bad words and lying to, ask for someone else ... like he wants for himself.
d) law (Proceedings, Ukubat): faith, except for issues such as ethics and personal actions, especially in public administration, social administration and issues including economic status, marriage, divorce, inheritance distribution, commercial and political affairs, the laws and rules of brief Islamic state are all provisions laying down.
Islam is not part of human life, albeit indispensable; It is the whole of human life in all its aspects. Islam, the death of the man's twenty-four hours a day and covers all aspects of birth in all fields and sets. Toilet human until it reaches propriety of the state administration encompasses all life. Islam is the whole of human life. Faith, worship, is all the morality and law. Not broken anything or done synthesis. Disposal and added do not accept superstition and innovations. A complete order is completed by God.
General Features of Islam
1) Rabbanîlik (to belong to the Lord, the divine being) Islam, the divine rights and religion. It is based on revelation. Target has quite the Rabbani. It is impassable give up everything for the sake of God's purpose in Islam. Islam is the source and method of Rabbani.
2) humanity (conformity to human nature) people downloaded Quran, prophets were chosen from among the people. Muslim people, have attached great importance to the human mind, human nature has put the appropriate provisions. According to Islam, human, earth, created the most beautiful way and caliph, the spiritual elements of the universe is given to outstanding fram their service. Islam never neglected the people's power and energy focus. All of them breeding is toward the study and development. Man by the shoulders can carry the liabilities allocated to the extent of peace, will continue its path in peace and security. These obligations are consistent with one's own disposition. It integrates with the sound of the heart and conscience. It aims to improve the disposition. All provisions of Islam is for the happiness of people in the world and the Hereafter.
3) Comprehensiveness and universality: Islam, long enough to cover eternity, wide enough to encompass all the people, the depth to cover the work world and the hereafter. Post and conditions the whole time, the whole world is against all humanity. All stages of human life from cradle to grave, and they arranged all areas of life. Islam's teachings are comprehensive. In this context, the belief, in worship, in the conceptions of morality and virtue, is manifested in regulations and laws.
4) mediocrity and stability: Islam; balance, compromise, justice, religion as a key dynamic measure. Excess and far from extreme. Excesses are absent. Not less human, and does not take shit. The power of the people is valuable enough to establish such a balanced order. Faith, worship, morality, and the reverse in the medium (justice and balance) can easily see the elements. World - Hereafter substance - mana, rich - there is a balance between the poor. The inside and outside of the human spirit and body, the individual and society, individuals and the state, men and women, balancing family and the nation. Rights and duties of each against each other regularly determines a balanced and harmonious manner.
5) Clarity and clear: Islam's principles of faith, religion concept is simple and clear choice. Understanding, explaining and adoption is easy. His mind does not force logic.
6) Halis Religion: Analysis and synthesis, throwing and who do not accept additional source of solid and a faith that can not be falsified is not exchangeable. It has shut its doors to innovations and superstitions. It has been completed and is the only right religion Allah willing.
7) Unity: Islam is a monotheistic religion first and foremost. Insert the most perfect faith in God. The attributes of God in Islam is not given to humans and other assets. God is unlike anything ever will be highlighted. Human and other creatures are not tanrılaştırıla. Someone does not worshiped but Allah, not prayer.
8) approval of all the prophets: believed in all the prophets sent by God. Distinction is made between the Prophet. As far as the apotheosis of extremism and unbefitting ascription, it is considered to be God's messenger and servant.
9) God's Sovereignty: Law, law and determining principle, law-making work is solely for Allah. Islam; provisions of sovereignty and dominion, and authority given to Allah, oppressors and oppressed, creates a society where there is no servant who serve.
10) Robust sources: The main source of Islam is the Holy Koran. Quran is a book that can not be tampered with until doomsday. Quran copies all over the world are the same.
11) compliance with the universe: the universe and all assets are counted in the Muslim is submission to God because they obeyed. Select the people who deliver Islam in harmony and the universe, it obeys the same laws. Thus, labor and energy is integrated with the possibilities of the human universe. Islam is in conflict with natural forces in the universe and does not put human struggle.
12) One community (ummah) that is: Islam is compatible, passion and acting in solidarity with a society (ummah) forms. Met with a look at current race, color, country, country and class discrimination to the fundamental dynamics of this community (Raises features movement) of brotherhood, solidarity, equality, justice, would not recommend it right and patience, kindness spread is to fight against evil. Adultery, sexual immorality, theft, injustice, moral interest ... as bad and the ugly traditions were destroyed, people eating and drinking, housing and virtuous sexual gluttony is blocked, it creates a virtuous society. As unbelief is the only nation; all Muslims, it is a nation that only his brother, but each other.
13) Convenience and good news: Islam; language, race, regardless of past word-i martyrdom counts brought everyone Muslims accordingly. Based on the principles of justice and equality. Nobody's forcing the Muslims will not accept to be made. Hearts spread is based conquered. Provisions are ease to live. Considering the performance of worship shown our strength many conveniences. Power's challenges can not be yetiril not ordered. Islam is mercy, forgiveness and side outweighs the good news. Islam, tolerance and meet all the needs of man's spiritual and bodily makes the solution easy and simple way. But despite all this convenience, laziness and excessive tendency to neglect the worship due to God's punishment of the world are warning.
14) ration and important data: İslamvahiy with being religious, mind gives great importance. It addresses the mind, smart accountable. Given the high value of science, the science of learning is obligatory for every Muslim has reported that work has given place to be on issues such as learning and thinking. Alone can not be forgotten that Islam is not rational, it is the religion of reason.
15) Human rights: None of the order (the religion) of Islam that considers human rights to be seen, is to protect the human rights of the following:
a. Religion safety: Islam guarantees the right to freedom of religion and religious life.
b. Yummy (CAN) safety: Islam ensures the right to life.
c. Mental safety: Science and ordering the contemplation of Islam prohibit things like drink and drugs will damage the mind and the mind takes any failure of protective measures.
D. Generation safety: chastity is, the protection of the dignity and honor and prepare all kinds of healthy environment for generations to ensure that the necessary Islamic upbringing.
to. Property safety: to protect Islam property, theft and so on. as blocking roads leading to crime, it recognizes the right to an adequate means of livelihood and opportunities.
Summaries of Islam, the dignity of every human being, honor, freedom, religion, property, life, the livelihood and job guarantees.
Islam is still inaccessible for human rights. It gives place to the humanitarian principles of brotherhood. Racism and rejects the concept outside the righteous superiority. Islam's commandments and prohibitions, rules, rituals, are proving ... criminal approach equality. There is not so much a theory of equality in other arrangements. Also it does not condone injustice in the name of equality. Women - equality between men and saying to ignore the sexual exploitation whether differences does not lead to people being persecuted been exploited to the extremists in the gate.
Islam, Sharia relationship with the previous Prophets
a) the name of the religion of Islam from all the prophets (see Fig. Baqara, 130-133). Human world prophet (Hz. Adam) has come. According to the time requirements and the needs of humankind through various prophets of God Almighty Sharia (the law), despite posting; faith (belief) has been the same in all the prophets.
b) listen to their notification had been sent to a people of the previous prophets. Prophet. Muhammad (pbuh) that Islam is a universal religion. So the whole universe and all mankind to Allah (SWT) has been presented by a life form will be valid until the Day of Judgment.
c) Hz. Muhammad (pbuh) preached by Islam, the religion which preached the provisions of the previous prophets (the Sharia) abrogated whether the new middle kaldırmıştır.y currently prevailing Sharia Hz. Muhammad (s.a.v.) In the Sharia.
d) The religion of Islam, the Prophet. Muhammad (saas) before Allah (SWT) will certify all books and prophets sent by.
A few verses about Islam
"God is the true religion of Islam on the floor." (Al-Imran, 3/19)
"Whoever is a religion other than Islam, it (the religion) can not be accepted and he will never, hereafter be among the greatest harm suffered." (Al-Imran, 3/85)
"Who is the soul of the (entire) Allah, He will deliver if you like to see certain that it is adhered to the solid handle. The end of all things but is based on God. "(Luqman, 31/22)
"Today I have perfected your religion. I have completed My blessing upon you and I am pleased with him whether you Islam as your religion ... "(Maida, 5/3)
The pillars of Islam
The pillars of Islam (basic) are five: to bear witness that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, to substitute the prayer, give Zakat, Bait to haccet, keep the fasting of Ramadan ...
Prophet of Islam, described by Gabriel hadith known as the hadith that we mentioned sheriff and the beginning of the subject in the hadith has been building for Islam's five main (ignorant people wrong as the Five Pillars of Islam), we know that the five basic counting. We believe the word of monotheism martyrdom or the pillars (basic principles) we will detail later monotheistic While on the topic. Here, the examples mentioned in this worship prototype Given the importance of bowing briefly and others with deeds-i can be defined as righteous as glass around and we'll talk about the aspects that concern Akait. This is how it should be done deeds of canon law, fiqh issues catechism books and courses are available.
What is the righteous deeds-i? Deeds, deeds that are pleasing to God. These actions (behavior) takes two properties: one, to conform to Islamic law, the second, is that for the sake of Allah and to Him for worship of intentions. An act, or does it carry one of these two features in Razi Allah owned the deeds, that is not the righteous deeds-i. Such an act is not in the reward and the reward. Our Lord says:
"Whoever hoped the meeting with the Lord, do good deeds committed in any one of you associate worship the Lord ..." (Al-Kahf, 18/110)
The righteous deeds-i Islam is really very big place. Because these deeds to Allah, the Last Day is the fruit of faith factor. Shahaadatayn's (you tawhid) meaning, and righteous deeds-i handle unveiled entering this road. The word Islam means submission and that the submission of this when we remember what it means to surrender to obey God's commandments AMELS, disobedient, ibadetsiz Islam can not be revealed. Amel-i because of the importance in many verses of Islam is righteous commend it. Some of these verses are closer to her faith, explains some nice rewards, and some are specifically mentions the benefits that give life hereafter.
"And verily the century, certain people are wasted (will suffer). But faith and righteous deeds-i processors, except that the right advice and patience with each other. "(Asr, 103 / 1-3)
To see other examples of such verses. Maida, 9; Ra'd 29; Nahl, 97; Kahf, 30; Mary, 76; Ankebut, 7, 9.
Islam is necessary to adopt for the acceptance of deeds. Therefore, God has faith in chanting along with righteous deeds-i. A person who, with God's sake intentions and deeds in accordance with the Islamic Sharia Isles, if that person is fully acknowledging that the real Islam is mentioned in the Qur'an, acceptance, deeds of God will multiply his face. What a reward for such an act, nor is it a reward. (see Fig. Al-Imran, 3/85)
Righteous deeds-i is very diverse. Whether worship, whether their transaction has ordered all of the things that the Almighty Rights. Muslim Lord to obey the Sharia when he committed an act of obedience and thinking to taleb the pleasure of Allah, the righteous deeds-i would be competent.
This righteous deeds-i at the beginning (in the narrow sense) come worship. Worship at the beginning of prayer, fasting, pilgrimage and alms income. These are the foundations of Islam. This certainly is not permissible neglect or underestimate the importance of worship. It has been reported to the famous hadith clearly define Islam.
The importance of worship in Islam büyüktür.ibadet, a person's relationship with the Lord and regulate a certain way reveals the servitude to Allah. Worship is a special claim on God's servants. It endeavors to worship and faith basis to others before, then you need to call to worship. Worship, although it is missing, the strengthening of the faith rooted in the human heart and is not possible. In fact, it extends to all of the environmental conditions of Kufr rule today, especially prayer, worship and faith of the people showing laxity to enter into great danger. So keep believing the right person to fulfill the prayer and other worship is very difficult. These water for fish is air mesabe for people.
Greater importance in terms of Akaid vardır.İslam prayer in this worship; prayer, distinguishing between Muslims and infidels declared as an omen. What a journey, what war, what is not permissible in case of neglected diseases in prayer. To leave it and show laziness in this regard is merely hypocrites. Servant, when he returned to the Lord, prayer is the first thing to ask him. Prayer is a prayer to God and serve continuously remind the meaning of the words I monotheism person. Prayer, with all kinds of ugliness and evil and forbid the fuhşiyat. Some of the verses in the Qur'an about the importance of prayer time and number of let: Greek, 31; Baccarat, 1-3, 153, and 238; Nisa, 103; 142; Ankebut, 45 ...
Muslim prayer "Allahu Akbar" is invoked with; He starts to pray, repeat it often during prayer. Indeed, Allah is greater than any large, transcends all the force and might. His servants and the saints who God is greater than everything bağlandık think, he is not afraid of no other than a man. Refrains from serving someone else.
Fasting, Hajj, Zakat and all other rituals, reinforces faith, purifies the soul from evil servant of the Lord ties. Fasting, God has already love to prefer the wishes of the body. Muslims, sincerity, determination and patience to exercise features taşır.zekat cases are to be removed from miserliness and stinginess providing financial worship for Muslims disease. The main owner of the goods to be God, he understands that another man is a trustee of the charity that better. Zakat, the goods of love, and love is to choose God's sake. To allocate shares to the needy sections of society, so if etmektir.hac services to ensure social justice, education is the Muslim's deeds. The Muslim pilgrimage to actually open and we see that a certain form of worship revealed. Science, jihad, good orders, forbid evil, patience, resignation, piety, fear of God and His love ... as punishment orders, it is among the righteous deeds that stand to insist on the Koran.
The Call of Islam
Continue as long as the history of humanity, Islam must be communicated to everyone. The main purpose of this invitation and notification is to connect only the servant of the people rescued from servitude to Allah. This task must be sure people will make.
"People will call you is charity, Let there be a community to keep commanding good from evil. They who will prosper. "(Al-Imran, 3/104)
The verses are te'yid this situation. Islam is for everyone, but those who live should be taken especially Muslims. Islam is not Islam, because they know their stuff. This situation must be corrected and shown them the truth.
One of the Islamic invitation of the goal, took the Islamic monopoly anyone take him from the hands of one of Islam is to provide transportation to reach him. Islam is not at all a power monopoly. Zorlaştıra no power can take some worship under the hands of Islam. Those that do, whether they do in the name of Islam, in the name of ignorance if they do want; in both cases is a great rudeness toward God. Because God Almighty, whether the removal of barriers towards achieving whatever is to him. In fact, he has enjoined on every Muslim jihad against the barrier. Until, that is, people who are diagnosed with Islam pure and clear them voluntarily, they learn, and they accept it. People, people's sovereignty and the Sultan of the network they value, the brother of the ancestor, the father of the, the Lord and save them from merely staying connected, at every stage of life, which is God's order and domination to bring Islam ... So, this is Islam and all the prophets of it they were sent to.
Judge to make Islam Life
Throughout human history, the basic principle is the basis for the principles of Islam "La ilaha illa" is the rule. So the Godhead, the lordship of the reign of God and hakimiyetisade 'to allocate rule. This base their belief in the heart and the heart; feeling and movement in worship; life should be manifested in the field of law and order. To bear witness that there is no god but Allah, Allah unless and in a way that would be disrespectful to Islam Kamil.
This application of the rule of human life is entirely directed to God. Thus, it is subject to it will apply to all works and provision of God in every stage of life and God's provision prefer their own thoughts and opinions.
Ulaştırıp people who notification provisions, Messenger of Allah (saas) d. This base represents the second pillar of the word martyrdom, which is the first requirement of Islam.
"Surely Muhammad (pbuh) is the Messenger of Allah." (Fath, 48/29)
Here are the basic principles it represents, and the second is based on Islam. When this rule is applied to all aspects of life, it revealed the most complete an order. That is the order that is pleasing to God.
The goal of Islam is to eliminate cahiyye.