All religions have always stood on the same basic principles and truths found in the same emphasis. Every prophet sent by God, the basic discipline in terms -one day conditions and a former continuation of the framework of special relevance to the time of need, mükemmil of acted like mütemmi my predecessor's / predecessors have repeated the message was found in ikmald according to the circumstances it Tafsil
opened issues, wanting to be renewed He found renewal in Masail and has always centered around the same topics: Unity, prophecy, resurrection and worship has become the first issue of every prophet. Yes, style, expression, representation and diversity reserved manner, almost all the above-mentioned principles are the essence of the message of the prophets and Mürsel / is.
The message of the Qur'an, the first man and the first prophet. Adam (pbuh) is also starting from the revelation of a continuation. Because Allah is the basis of all religions, it is in Islam:
"Religion with Allah is Islam. ..." (Al-Imran, 3/19)
Prophets came at different times and places, as they reject each other, the Prophet. Muhammad (pbuh) is also reject any of them:
"The Prophet, if downloaded from the Lord what they had faith in him, believers too. They are each in God, His angels, His books, and did not believe the messenger. 'It's none of their etmeyiz.'de distinguished from other messenger and added:' We hear and we obey the Lord or me, we ask forgiveness, our transformation is art ... '"(Al-Baqarah, 2/285)
"Say: 'God, revealed to us that (the Qur'an) to Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob and their descendants revelation, Moses, Jesus and the prophets from their Lord given to We believe it. We do not observe any difference between them, we are Muslims submitted to Him. "(Al-Imran, 3/84)
Prophet. Muhammad (pbuh), but rather a continuation of all previous prophets, are as integral to the apostleship. But the difference that, it is not possible to arrive after a prophet, he is the last prophet and therefore with the universal dimension of the Divine Message.
Creating human, it speaks to the finest point, meets the needs of God, people have raised the necessary messages in each period, the last point of the Prophet. Muhammad (s.a.s.) has put up with. So the prophet will come after that, there will be changes to the revelation and the people will survive this latest revelation:
"..Bug's, Have I perfected your religion. I completed my favor unto you. And I have chosen Islam as your religion ... "(Al-Maidah, 5/3)
"Whoever is a religion other than Islam (the religion) will never be accepted of him. That one will be among the losers in the Hereafter. "(Al-Imran, 3/85)
"Muhammad is not the father of any of your men. But the Messenger of Allah and the last of the prophets. Allah is Knower of all things. "(Al-Ahzab, 33/40)
Islam, which has brought the material and spiritual perfections of humanity and ensure human happiness and salvation which contains all the principles. That her intimacy and community members from feyiz bliss, refers to the evolution of happiness. It gives great importance to the protection of life. Members and employees to disrupt the peace of the community is sentenced to the most severe punishment. Unity, and solidarity of orders bestowed. It anarchy and terror in public life Vika.
Good morals of Islam, in all its branches, offers the human's benefit. There is no issue that you have thousands of benefits, physical and spiritual cure for a disease, not a cure. Islam would rely on knowledge and wisdom; have no mind of their own volition and promotes happiness. Ignorance accepts greatest enemy; always encourages people to contemplate. To understand what is Islam's great mercy to all mankind, the world's Asr-i state of happiness before and after that it is necessary to take into consideration.
Before Islam, the whole world of ignorance and misguidance, was suffering under the cruel claws of terror and anarchy. Arab brutality and horror of this world that scorched the peninsula had taken the stake. People were daughters of the land takes pride in being buried alive. They believe in superstition and worship the idols they made with their own hands, they ask for help from them.
In that dark period, he longitude as the sun light of the Qur'an from one corner of the Arabian Peninsula. Profanity and cruelty tore the dense layer. Eyes dazzled by the sublime manifestation was clear the spirit of fun and we are guided, polished minds, conscience brought ziyalan. Remove shirk placed tawhid hearts. He lifted the oppression instead of justice facilities. Remove from hatred and hostility were put up, place their affection, he placed compassion and mercy.
Quran this effect alone is no longer the exclusive Asr-i-happiness. After that, what people accept Islam and life as if it had applied science and lore, as well as examples of advanced and other nations have been in industry and trade. The most brilliant Parable, Andalusia, Seljuk and Ottoman civilizations.